expandthecanonApr 28, 20207 min readMY FAVORITE NAMES IN YA LIT -- WHY I LOVE THEM AND WHAT THEY MEANOne of the best ways an author can foreshadow or reveal information about a character is through their name. A well selected name can...
expandthecanonApr 20, 20207 min readWHY WE SHOULD BE KINDER TO JOHN GREEN'S BOOKS (AND THE PEOPLE WHO READ THEM)It’s fascinating how quickly someone can fall out of favor. Take John Green, for example. The young adult author experienced a huge...
expandthecanonApr 6, 20208 min readTHE HUNGER GAMES PROBLEMAfter The Hunger Games trilogy finished off in 2010, it left a vacuum in the world of Young Adult fiction. Previously swamped with...
expandthecanonMar 24, 20208 min readTHE INDELIBLE, CONSUMING SADNESS OF HARRY POTTERArtist: Mary GrandPré I don’t remember how old I was when I read the first Harry Potter book. More accurately, I don’t remember how old I...
expandthecanonMar 4, 202014 min readCHRIST FIGURES IN YA LIT— WHY HARRY POTTER DID IT BETTER THAN DIVERGENTI was raised Catholic, but to be honest it didn’t really stick. I’m just not really a religious person, it’s not how my brain works....
expandthecanonFeb 24, 202013 min readWHY YA MOVIE ADAPTATIONS ARE BADOne of the big reasons I think young adult literature gets a bad rap is that for a lot of people the only exposure they have is through...
expandthecanonFeb 20, 20208 min readIS HARRY POTTER A GOTHIC NOVEL?Yates, David, director. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2004. I’m taking a Gothic literature course...
expandthecanonFeb 19, 202011 min readMARXISM IN THE HUNGER GAMESRoss, Gary and Francis Lawrence, directors. The Hunger Games. Lionsgate, 2012. The Hunger Games has some pretty scathing critiques of...